News Release - New Idaho Statistical Anysis Center Publication
The Idaho State Police Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is happy to announce that we have now published a new report titled "Idaho Sexual Violence Surveillance System: Initial Development and Data Analysis."  The report can be accessed at

In 2019, the Idaho Statistical Analysis Center (ISAC) partnered with the Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Program at the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) to build a public-facing interactive data dashboard that would monitor indicators of sexual violence in Idaho. The system is designed to be a resource for all who have an interest in tracking indicators of sexual violence. 
You can explore the Idaho Sexual Violence Data Surveillance System Dashboard at  

The report summarizes the process of indicator selection, as well as the results of the statistical analyses. Of the 14 indicators that were tested, the only statistically significant contributor to the model was Economic Inequality. For each increase of 0.16 points in a county’s Economic Inequality score, the number of predicted rape victims in that county increases by one. 

The above publication along with many others can be found on our website at
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