News Release - ISAC Publishes Reports on Crossover Youth, Recidivism
The Idaho Statistical Analysis Center (ISAC) is pleased to announce the release of two new research reports on the topics of crossover youth in Eastern Idaho and recidivism rates among Idaho's felony offenders. Both reports are available in ISAC's online publication library:

"Crossover Youth in Eastern Idaho: Results from the District 6 Crossover Youth Practice Model Pilot Project" presents the results of a pilot project in Bannock, Onedia, and Power Counties. Stakeholders from across the juvenile justice and child welfare systems came together in 2019 to begin implementing the Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM). Fully implemented in February 2020, the CYPM aims to streamline services for "crossover youth", youth who are involved in both the juvenile justice and child welfare systems, by bringing together stakeholders from both systems to create joint case management plans that provide the most appropriate services to crossover youth in a more efficient manner. ISAC found that youth who "crossed over" after the CYPM was implemented experienced better outcomes on a wide range of measures as compared to youth who crossed over prior to CYPM implementation.

"Recidivism Rates Among the Idaho Department of Correction's Supervised Population" presents results of a large recidivism study of felony offenders in Idaho. ISAC used data from the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) and the Idaho Supreme Court (ISC) to determine 3-year recidivism rates among felony offenders in Idaho, utilizing five definitions of recidivism. Using a series of survival analyses, ISAC determined actual and expected recidivism rates, as well as predictive demographic factors, for a group of more than 40,000 felony offenders that were under IDOC supervision between 2010 and 2017. Expected recidivism rates ranged from a low of 10% (technical probation/parole violations) to a high of 41% (charged with a new crime) three years after being released to the community from prison or being placed on probation, with slightly less than half of those recidivism events occurring within the first year. Across all recidivism types studied, being younger and male significantly increased the odds of an offender experiencing a recidivism event within their first three years in the community. The wide range in recidivism rates across the five definitions used in this study has implications for how recidivism should be studied in Idaho in the future, which ISAC also outlines in the report.
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