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Examiners in the Toxicology specialty analyze urine and blood for the presence of drugs. Testing for alcohol or inhalants is not included in toxicology testing and must be requested separately.

DRE Form: This form is used by DRE officers and should be submitted as evidence if used  – not sealed inside box.

Toxicology Centrally Stored Use Quality Data

2017 Tox data all labs
2018 Tox data all labs
2019 Tox data all labs
2020 Tox data all labs
2021 Tox data all labs
2022 Tox data all labs
2023 Tox data all labs
2024 Tox data all labs

Types of Kits offered by Forensic Services

Urine Kits are for urine samples that will be tested for drugs. We no longer have separate kits for DRE and NJDT. Mark the top of the form to indicate which type of sample is included in the kit. Note: If you are a DRE Officer, it is your responsibility to insert a DRE Form with the evidence – do not seal it inside the box. Use the “DRE Form” link for a current form.

Blood Kits are used for blood testing of alcohol or drugs, but not DNA. They are designated by a gray-topped tube to comply with the IDAPA code.

Accident Victim Kits are provided to Coroners/Morticians only. These are only used to compile statistics and remain anonymous for that reason. These kits are submitted to the Coeur d’Alene laboratory.

Rape Kits are used for sexual assault cases and only provided to hospitals. For sexual assault cases, use regular blood and urine kits (if possible) for alcohol and toxicology testing. The blood tube in the rape kit is not intended for alcohol or toxicology testing. If toxicology testing is wanted and the assault occurred within the last 12 hours, collect both blood and urine. If it has been longer than 12 hours, only collect urine (unless you are also requesting alcohol testing). We can only screen for GHB in urine samples. If it has been longer than 12 hours since the suspected ingestion, the sample will not be analyzed for GHB.

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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