Welcome to the Idaho State Police Procedures page, where we provide the guidelines that shape our day-to-day operations and reinforce our dedication to serving the people of Idaho. These procedures reflect our commitment to transparency, accountability, and the highest law enforcement standards. Whether you’re a member of the public, a community partner, or a fellow law enforcement professional, this resource will help you better understand how we operate to ensure safety, fairness, and justice across our great state.
Each procedure outlined here is crafted to align with state and federal laws and best practices in policing. Our goal is to clarify the actions and protocols we follow, ensuring that our approach is consistent, professional, and respectful of the rights of all individuals. While some of the content may be legally oriented, we’ve made every effort to present it in a way that is approachable and easy to navigate.
It’s important to note that not all policy numbers may appear in sequential order. Over time, policies are adjusted, modified, and sometimes combined to reflect changes in law enforcement practices, technology, and evolving community needs. These updates ensure that we continue to meet the highest standards of policing.
01 - Home
- EHP 01 01 Welcome.pdf
- EHP 01 02 conductexpectations.pdf
- EHP 01 03 organizationalstructure.pdf
- EHP 01 04 Organizational Chart.pdf
- EHP 01 05 Mission Vision Values.pdf
- EHP 01 06 designees.pdf
- EHP 01 07 writingprocedures.pdf
- EHP 02 01 afterincidentreview.pdf
- EHP 02 02 funerals.pdf
- EHP 02 03 grooming dress.pdf
- EHP 02 04 tortclaimsandcivilcases.pdf
- EHP 02 05 Digital Content for Public Release.pdf
- EHP 02 06 Public Records Requests.pdf
- EHP 02 07 recordsmanagement.pdf
- EHP 02 08 volunteerprogram.pdf
- EHP 02 09 ridealongprogram.pdf
- EHP 02 10 training.pdf
- EHP 02 11 useoIT.pdf
- EHP 02 12 useofstatevehicles.pdf
- EHP 02 13 webpagemaintenance.pdf
- EHP 02 14 physicaltrainingfacility.pdf
- EHP 02 15 Employee Domestic Violence.pdf
- EHP 02 16 contracts agreements.pdf
- EHP 02 17 Agency Outreach Use of Social Media.pdf
- EHP 02 18 emailuse retentionr4.pdf
- EHP 02 19 inspections reviews.pdf
- EHP 02 20 exculpatoryevidence.pdf
- EHP 02 21 Directors Critical Information.pdf
- EHP 02 22 Facility Access and Security.pdf
- EHP 02 25 cellphones.pdf
- EHP 03 01 administrativereviewinvestigation.pdf
- EHP 03 02 complaints.pdf
- EHP 03 03 employeerecognitionprogram.pdf
- EHP 03 04 hiring.pdf
- EHP 03 05 limitedduty.pdf
- EHP 03 06 outsideemployment.pdf
- EHP 03 07 performancemanagement.pdf
- EHP 03 08 personnelrecords.pdf
- EHP 03 09 pre employmentbackgroundinvestigations.pdf
- EHP 03 10 problemsolving.pdf
- EHP 03 11 reasonableaccommodationsreviewed.pdf
- EHP 03 12 recruitingprogram.pdf
- EHP 03 13 Progressive Discipline and disciplinary due process.pdf
- EHP 03 14 drugfreeworkplace.pdf
- EHP 03 15 timemgt rpt useofleave.pdf
- EHP 03 17 compensationadmin.pdf
- EHP 03 18 sexualharassment.pdf
- EHP 03 19 earlyinterventionsystem.pdf
- EHP 03 20 tortclaims.pdf
- EHP 05 01 exposuretobloodbornepathogens.pdf
- EHP 05 02 medicalscreening.pdf
- EHP 05 03 on dutyinjuryordeath.pdf
- EHP 05 04 workplaceemergencies.pdf
- EHP 05 05 trooper on duty exercise.pdf
- EHP 05 06 physicalfitnessprogramandtesting.pdf
- EHP 05 07 districtfitnesscoordinatorprogram.pdf
- EHP 05 08 Use of Naloxone by ISP Personnel.pdf
- EHP 05 09 Peer Support.pdf
- EHP 11 01 ILETSaccess.pdf
- EHP 11 02 ABIS hitprocedure.pdf
- EHP 11 03 fingerprintcardprocessing.pdf
- EHP 11 04 physicalprotecitoncriminaljusticeinformation.pdf
- EHP 11 05 disposalofmedia.pdf
- EHP 11 06 CJImediaprotection.pdf
- EHP 11 07 Livescan IP Address Assignment.pdf
- EHP 11 08 BIC Policy.pdf