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Idaho Public Safety and Security Information System (ILETS)

ILETS is a dedicated data communication network that links local, state, federal, and foreign criminal justice agencies to state records and files and to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), which includes criminal history data and files on wanted or missing persons, orders of protection, property and other files critical to criminal justice and public protection. U.S. and Canadian motor vehicle and driver’s license files are also available through the system. To ensure system integrity, security and to prevent misuse, the section provides training/testing and conducts compliance audits on all agencies with access to data obtained from ILETS.


Leila McNeill
BCI Bureau Chief

700 S. Stratford Dr, #120
Meridian, ID 83642

208-884-7193 (fax)


The ILETS board consists of:

  • Two incumbent county sheriffs,
  • Two incumbent city chiefs of police, and
  • One member of the Idaho State Police

Sheriffs and police chiefs serve five-year terms, while the director of the Idaho State Police is a permanent board member. Board members may serve more than one term.

Current Board Members

Board Chair
Sheriff Mike Hollinshead
Elmore County Sheriff’s Office
2255 East 8th North
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Term expires: 01/01/2026

Sheriff Shaun Gough
Gooding County Sheriff’s Office
624 Main St
Gooding, ID 83330
Term expires:  01/01/2025

Chief Craig Kingsbury
Twin Falls Police Department
321 2nd Ave E
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Term expires: 01/01/2029

Chief Bryce Johnson
Idaho Falls Police Department
605 N. Capitol Ave
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Term expires: 01/01/2027

Colonel Bill Gardiner
Idaho State Police
700 S. Stratford Dr
Meridian, ID 83642
Permanent Member

Major Matthew Smith
Idaho State Police
700 S. Stratford Dr
Meridian, ID 83642
Term expires: 01/01/2028


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