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The Idaho Missing Persons Clearinghouse was established in 1999 to provide a central location for resources to identify and assist state and national efforts to locate Idaho’s missing. A missing person is someone whose whereabouts is unknown to a parent, caretaker or others who have normal contact with the person. A missing person can be a runaway child, anyone who has been involuntarily abducted or an Alzheimer’s Patient. There is NO waiting period to report a person missing. As soon as you realize someone is unaccounted for, contact your local Police Department or Sheriff’s Office and NCMEC (National Center for Missing or Exploited Children). The Clearinghouse maintains statistical data on Idaho’s missing; develops and provides training to law enforcement on topics relevant to missing persons; creates and provides forms for law enforcement and public members to use; and maintains available resources to assist during a missing person event. This section, consisting of a manager and one support staff, works closely with local law enforcement agencies in Idaho and other states. The section utilizes various databases and the general public in developing information, which may assist in locating missing children and adults from Idaho and missing persons from other states who may be in Idaho. This section also performs analytical functions regarding missing and unidentified deceased persons. The section operates a 24-hour toll-free helpline to receive messages regarding missing persons. The messages are processed during normal working hours.

Follow our Twitter feed @ISP_Alerts for active AMBER Alerts, Blue Alerts, and Endangered Missing Person Alerts (EMPA).

New FBI Child ID App

Missing Persons Clearinghouse

700 S. Stratford Rd, #120
Meridian, ID 83642

208-884-7193 (fax)

Coming Soon

Missing Person By Type

Links will access information based on the definition of missing people for their records with detailed information and photos about specific cases.


Idaho has 80 missing adults at any one time, which is approximately 44% of Idaho’s total missing! Nationally, approximately 47,842 missing adults are entered into the National Crime Information Center database. Many more adults may be missing but not entered into any database. The Idaho Missing Persons Clearinghouse focuses equally on missing children as well as missing adults. Though the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, located in Alexandria, VA, is federally funded to act as the national clearinghouse for children, comparable services for missing adults have never existed.

Maintain Database
The clearinghouse maintains a database of all Idaho missing persons. Statistics on missing persons in Idaho are provided upon request.

Verify NCIC Entry
BCI staff verify all entries of Idaho missing persons into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) computer system by local law enforcement agencies. Clearinghouse staff also recommends that families of missing children contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to file a report.

Operate a nationwide toll-free hotline
BCI staff members answer the hotline during normal business hours. After hours, weekends and holidays a message system answers calls. immediately. The hotline was primarily established for supplemental reports and reporting missing persons’ sightings. However, calls range from requests for informational materials, such as child fingerprint ID cards, to information about missing persons and recovery details. Information on leads or sightings is forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation.

State Link to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
The clearinghouse networks with NCMEC, 49 state clearinghouses, and Canada. This relationship ensures support between agencies when a missing person report leads investigators to another state or country. The relationship also ensures that information from leads and sightings is sent to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Maintain Web Site
The clearinghouse is responsible for information about missing people and available resources on this site. Idaho was one of the first states to develop a site for this purpose.

Create Flyers
Upon request from law enforcement agencies or families, Idaho Missing Persons Clearinghouse staff creates flyers regarding specific cases. The clearinghouse publishes and distributes a quarterly bulletin that contains information about those missing in the state and other relevant information. Copies of the flyers are distributed to local law enforcement agencies within the state and the Missing Persons Clearinghouse counterparts in other states.

Maintain Material
The clearinghouse maintains a variety of information for both law enforcement and the public. Information from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is available for all law enforcement agencies in the state. The clearinghouse retains a supply of brochures obtained from the NCMEC or assembled by clearinghouse staff. These are available upon request to interested parties. A copy of the Kids and Company child safety curriculum for grades K-6 has been acquired from the NCMEC. This curriculum is available for distribution or loan to interested schools and law enforcement agencies.

Supply Fingerprint Cards
The clearinghouse provides child fingerprint ID cards to the public. The cards record fingerprints and important information about a child so parents can store and use them in an emergency. Cards are distributed at community events and are featured at the Western Idaho State Fair.

Children – The source of our greatest joys and greatest concerns. Parents do everything possible to keep children safe, happy, and healthy, but bad things may happen. The following tips are designed to help parents keep children safer.


  • Keep a complete description of your child. The description should include hair color, eye color, height, weight, and date of birth. In addition, the description should include special identifying features like eyeglasses, contact lenses, braces on teeth, pierced ears, and other unique physical attributes. Having the location of scars, birthmarks, and the like will aid law enforcement if your child is missing. Write the description down, keep it with your “Important Papers,” and update it every six months at a minimum. If the child has a new injury that results in a scar or any medical procedure, immediately add it to the description.
  • Take color photographs of your child every six months. The photographs should be focused, high-quality, and taken from different angles. Candid poses are good representations of a child, while model poses are not. School photographs and home videos are valuable.
  • Dentists can prepare dental charts and prints on request. Charts should be updated during each visit. for your child. If you move, request a copy for your files and store them in a safe but easily accessible location.
  • Consider taking a bite impression using a two-inch square flat material (like Styrofoam®) with your child biting partially through it to leave an impression of both the upper and lower teeth. Take new samples when teeth are lost or grow.
  • Store your child’s medical records in a safe but easily accessible location. Records like permanent scars & blemishes, birthmarks, broken bones, and X-rays might be invaluable to identify a recovered child.
  • Law enforcement can fingerprint your child and will provide a card of prints for safe storage.
  • Consider preserving a DNA sample. While DNA kits are available, the process is easy. Take an old toothbrush exclusively used by your child and allow it to air dry before storing it in a brown envelope. Have the child lick the envelope shut and label it with their name. Or, swab between the lower right gumline and the cheek for 30 seconds. Let the swab air dry for 45 minutes. Repeat with a second swab. Place both dry swabs in an envelope, have the child lick it shut, and label it with their name. Securely store the envelope in a cool, dark, and dry location. DNA samples stored like this should be good for 6-7 years.
  • Your child should know their full name, parents/guardians given names, address, and telephone number (including area code).
  • Teach your child what to do in an emergency:
    • Dail 911 and ask for help. Stress it is only for emergencies.
    • Scream, “I DON’T KNOW YOU!” if anyone attempts to force them to go somewhere.
    • Never accept rides from anyone unless their parents know them.
    • Be wary of anyone asking them to go somewhere alone. Ex: Find a lost puppy.
    • Immediately tell you if another adult suggests they keep a secret from you.
    • It’s okay to tell you if someone touches or makes them uncomfortable – Even if they promised not to tell.
  • Teach your child safety practices:
    • Stay in groups – Safety in numbers
    • Only walk & play with kids they know.
    • Stay on the sidewalk & never approach a vehicle – no matter what the occupants say.
  • Parents should:
    • Never leave a child alone in a car.
    • Keep your children with you at all times.
    • Know your child’s friends. Keep a list of names, parent’s names, addresses, and phone numbers.
    • Know who rides with your child on the school bus or who they walk with.

The “NO” list:

  • Teach your child to say no to entering another person’s car or home without your express permission, even if the person is known to them.
  • Teach your child to say no to accepting gifts from strangers or acquaintances without your permission.
  • Teach your child to say no to answering the telephone or door when home alone.
  • Teach your child to say no to telling anyone who asks where they live or giving their telephone number to someone they do not know.

The “KNOW” list:

  • Know the addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, passport numbers, and birthdays of all relatives and friends of the non-custodial parent.
  • Know who your child’s friends are, and where they live as well as the phone numbers where the friend’s parents can be reached.
  • Know your child’s current weight and height.
  • Know where your important information is securely stored. It should be in two separate, secure locations.


There is NO WAITING PERIOD to report a missing person.

Contact the officer who took the initial report to inquire why the report has not been entered in NCIC. Listen to what the officer advises, as other issues may be involved.

  • It may not be the agency of jurisdiction where the child was at the time they went missing.
  • You may not be the custodial parent.
  • You may not have a valid custody document and/or parenting plan. If there are custody documents, present them to the officer.
  • If you called an agency, the call-taker or communications officer may have taken a missing report, but an officer might not be assigned to your case yet.
  • Write down any responses for further follow-up.

AMBER Alerts are specialized tools used for cases of specific missing children.

Idaho has six (6) criteria that must be met before law enforcement can issue an AMBER Alert, but law enforcement has the tools to search for missing children who don’t meet the requirements.

See the Idaho Statewide AMBER Alert Plan for the six criteria and other information about alerts.

The investigating law enforcement is responsible for activating an AMBER Alert.

All AMBER Alerts are issued statewide.

See the Idaho Statewide AMBER Alert Plan for the six criteria and other information about alerts.

Do not confront the person(s) yourself:

  • Immediately contact local law enforcement
  • Provide as much information as possible about the individual, the timeframe you observed them, vehicle information, possible suspect information, and why you believe the police should be involved.

Document as much information as possible about the person attempting to lure the child:

  • E-mail address
  • Time of day
  • Chat room involved
  • Possible meeting location
  • Which provider controls the chat room

Then, immediately contact local law enforcement.

  • Record the website address and e-mail address of the person sending the materials.
  • Contact local law enforcement immediately.
  • Ensure that your custody order specifies with whom the child is to reside at specific times and restricts removal from the state without prior consent from the judge.
  • Flag the child’s passport if one exists, or ask passport control not to issue one.
  • Contact the State Registrar where the child was born and ask that a flag be placed on the child’s birth certificate. This flag will activate if a request is made for a copy of, or any information is requested of, the child’s birth certificate.
  • Notify schools, daycare centers, and babysitters of the custody orders. Provide copies and ask to be alerted if the non-custodial parent makes an unscheduled visit.
  • If the non-custodial parent lives in another county, state, or country, file a certified copy of the custody decree there. This will notify the court in that jurisdiction of a valid decree that must be honored. Consider filing a copy of the decree in any foreign country where the non-custodial parent has close friends or relatives.
ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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