4/16/20 Rupert PD AMBER Alert Summary
DAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
ISP Headquarters, 700 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian 83642
(208) 884-7122
Fax (208) 846-7520
For Immediate Release: 4/17/2020 5:35 PM
Please direct questions to Tecia Ferguson, PIO
On Thursday afternoon, April 16th, 2020 the Rupert Police Department received notification that a 14 year old female was reported missing by her mother. Rupert PD and Minidoka Sheriff's Office sent out notification to Law Enforcement of the missing child. After discussions with ISP on the qualifications of an AMBER Alert, we deemed there was enough information to issue an AMBER Alert.
During the process of issuing the AMBER Alert, Rupert PD received credible information that the suspect and vehicle were just crossing over into California. ISP continued with the AMBER Alert activation of all road signs, lottery terminals, 511 information, news and radio broadcasts.
Due to the credible information of the suspect and victim possibly being in California, it was determined that is was not necessary to send a statewide Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) in Idaho. WEA notifications allow Law Enforcement to quickly notify cell phone users in a particular area to be on the lookout for the victim, suspect(s) or vehicle. WEA technology has the ability to target specific areas, as to not disrupt the entire state of Idaho population and sending notifications to regions, unnecessarily.
As soon as Rupert PD was aware of the suspect and vehicle possibly being in California, ISP and Rupert PD reached out to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to issue a targeted AMBER Alert for the child and suspect in the suspected area of California.
After the AMBER Alert activation in Idaho, Rupert PD received a tip on the second suspect. Rupert PD and ISP, felt that a targeted WEA notification to southern Idaho and limited counties, could possibly assist in the apprehension of a second suspect. The WEA notification was issued at 2300 (MDT).
At approximately 2138 (MDT), CHP issued an AMBER Alert along the Interstate 80 corridor. Approximately 0104 (MDT) on April 17th, the officers made contact with one suspect and vehicle in the Westbound Donner Summit Rest Area. After further investigation CHP officers were able to track suspect two and the victim in the snow that led north through the forest. The child was placed with California CPS and the two suspects were arrested on kidnapping charges.
Once confirmation of the child was received by Rupert PD and ISP, the AMBER Alert was canceled at approximately 0245 (MDT). Rupert PD and ISP would like to thank CHP for their participation and quick action in safely recovering our missing child.
The Suggested criteria for an AMBER Alert are:
1. A child is known or suspected by law enforcement officials to have been abducted; The child is not simply missing/runaway/lost; abduction must be suspected;
2. The abduction occurred within 12 hours of initial activation of AMBER Alert;
3. The child must be 17 years or younger, or with a proven mental or physical disability, and police must believe that the child has been abducted (unwillingly taken from his or her environment without permission from the child's parent or guardian);
4. Law enforcement must believe the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death;
5. There must be enough descriptive information to believe that an AMBER Alert will assist in the recovery of the child (must include as much of the following information as possible);
a. Where the abduction took place;
b. A specific physical description of the child (can include clothing worn when last seen; height, weight, age, hair and eye color, hair length, any additional distinguishing physical characteristics);
c. A physical description of the abductor can include approximate height, weight, hair color/length, eye/skin color, clothing; any distinguishing physical characteristics;
d. Place last seen; direction of travel if known;
e. Description of the vehicle should include color, year, make, body model, license number, and state.
6. The child must be entered in NCIC.
Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho, District 2 - Central Idaho, District 3 - Western Idaho, District 4 - Southern Idaho, District 5 - Southeastern Idaho, District 6 - Eastern Idaho
Please direct questions to:
700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 884-7122