“Without Comprimise” Stories of the Idaho State Police
IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
Teresa Baker
Public Information Officer
Headquarters 700 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian 83642
(208) 884-7122
Fax (208) 884-7087
For Immediate Release: 08/08/13 at 11:00 a.m.
MERIDIAN – "Without Compromise" Stories of the Idaho State Police
The role of Idaho's finest in maintaining law and order and serving
its citizens over the past 75 years.
MERIDIAN – It has been a journey ranging from barely-functioning motor vehicles and hardly-there roads to high-tech computer systems and biotechnology – a long way. Some of what the Idaho State Police does emerges in newspaper headlines and local television news reports, but only pieces of it, as glimpses of the larger story. Without Compromise tells the story of what lies behind those headlines, and of the often remarkable men and women involved.
Author Kelly Kast has spent years researching the history and interviewing scores of current and former members of the Idaho State Police, and has emerged with a remarkably detailed and engrossing story of Idaho.
"The history of the Idaho State Police has never been written in such detail and with the truly personal stories of those who have sacrificed to serve our citizenry," said Colonel Ralph Powell, Director of the Idaho State Police. "We are grateful that these stories have been captured and are now being told. This book not only honors our heritage, but it sets the standard of professionalism without compromise for those who serve in our ranks today and for those who will follow."
The book is being published in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Idaho State Police with events being planned throughout the 2014 calendar year.
Without Compromise is available in soft cover or hardbound through Idaho's own Ridenbaugh Press at www.ridenbaugh.com. The cost for the book is $20.54 for soft cover and $31.60 for hardbound, including shipping. Proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit the Idaho State Police Association, a non-profit organization comprised of current and retired ISP employees.
About Kelly Kast
Kelly Kast is a native Idahoan and "amateur historian" who counts reading and writing about the unique history of Idaho as one of her top three favorite things to do. Kast is a civilian employee of the Idaho State Police in District 4 in Jerome. Kast and her husband, Dalen, also own and operate a 550-head cattle ranch near Bliss, Idaho where she also enjoys every opportunity to explore the rare and distinctive geology of Idaho's south-central desert with her five children. She has published numerous articles with IDAHO Magazine and has published in other regional and national magazines. Prior to her service with the Idaho State Police, Kast was a staff writer and then editor of the Gooding County Leader. Kast's love of history and writing can be traced to her duties as an all-source intelligence analyst during her service in the United States Army.
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Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 884-7122