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Idaho State Police Trooper Recognized with Life Saving Award

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer

Region 3 Patrol 700 S. Stratford, Meridian 83642
(208) 846-7550
Fax (208) 846-7520

For Immediate Release: 01/21/10 12:10 PM
Contact: Captain Steve Richardson

Idaho State Police (ISP) Trooper Shane Langton was recently presented with the ISP "Life Saving Award" for his actions successfully dealing with a suicidal subject who was located on I-84, exit 59 (Boise area) and subsequently safely removed from danger by Trooper Langton during April 2009. The "Life Saving Award" is one of the highest forms of recognition that the Department can bestow and ISP Colonel G. Jerry Russell participated in presenting the award to Trooper Langton. Below is the text of the award.


On April 14, 2009, at 9:27 p.m., you were dispatched to the overpass on Interstate 84 at exit 59. There you encountered a subject who was obviously suicidal, as he was sitting on a ledge, with his feet hanging over the westbound lane, preparing to jump into oncoming traffic. As you approached, the subject pushed himself closer to the edge, and closer to a fall that would result in either severe injury or death.

You continued to slowly approach the subject, speaking calmly. By engaging him in conversation, you were able to distract him and get close enough to grasp him and pull him from the edge and onto the safety of the overpass roadway. Although the subject was resistive, you were able to subdue and control him.

A subsequent search of the subject's vehicle uncovered evidence that he was intent on suicide. All indications show that if it had not been for your intervention, and physically removing the subject from harm, the consequences would have been tragic.

Trooper Langton, your quick thinking, calm demeanor, and concern for others are worthy of commendation. Your actions exemplify the ideals of an Idaho State Police officer, and for this act, we are honored to present the Life Saving Award to you.



Posted in District 3 - Western Idaho

Please direct questions to:

District 3
Southwestern Idaho

700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 846-7550
Fax: (208) 846-7520

Serving Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington Counties.