News release – Idaho, Wyoming and Utah team up for traffic safety operation in advance of the BSU / Univ. of Wyoming football game this weekend in Laramie
News release – Idaho, Wyoming and Utah team up for traffic safety operation in advance of the BSU / Univ. of Wyoming football game this weekend in Laramie.
Immediate release, Sep. 25, 2018
Contact: Tim Marsano, ISP PIO, 208.884.7122
Law enforcement agencies in three states will be joining forces this weekend as part of an impaired driving enforcement operation in conjunction with the University of Wyoming and Boise State University football game on Saturday, Sept. 29 in Laramie. Idaho State Police, the Wyoming Highway Patrol and Utah Highway Patrol will be out in force, particularly on Interstates 80 and 84 – the main route between Boise and Laramie.
"We want BSU fans to stay safe as they make the long trek between Boise and Laramie," said Col. Kedrick Wills, Idaho State Police director. "This means being aware that we'll have increased patrols on our roadways, as will our neighboring states' highway patrol agencies, all in an effort to keep the motoring public safe. Expect zero tolerance for drunk and impaired drivers."
The Boise State Broncos play the Wyoming Cowboys in Laramie on Saturday, Sept. 29, at 5 p.m. Coordinated enforcement efforts will take place from Friday, Sept. 28, through Sunday, Sept. 30.
As part of the operation, Col. Wills joined forces with Colonel Kebin Haller, administrator of the Wyoming Highway Patrol, to create a public service announcement video featuring both men with the same message: don't drink and drive. This 30-second PSA is available for download and for media outlets' use if they choose to air it. Find it at
Idaho State Police encourages motorists to report suspected impaired drivers by calling *477 on your cell phone or the Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) hotline number at 1-800-442-9090.
Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho, District 2 - Central Idaho, District 3 - Western Idaho, District 4 - Southern Idaho, District 5 - Southeastern Idaho, District 6 - Eastern Idaho
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