News Release – Idaho State Police Posts Virtual Reality Recruitment App and Videos
IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
For Immediate Release: 4/17/2017
News Release – Idaho State Police Posts Virtual Reality Recruitment App and Videos
The producer of the Idaho State Police Recruiting app is 360 Immersive ( Timothy Marsano, spokesperson for the ISP and David Cleverdon, Partner in 360 Immersive believe Virtual Reality is the new wave of recruiting — fewer dollars spent, broader searches, and greater engagement by potential employees. Virtual Reality allows recruits to discover and experience ISP's culture as well as other benefits that living and working in Idaho offers. The Idaho State Police is able to launch 360 Immersive's app on both iOS and Android devices; available for viewing at the potential employees' convenience.
"This application has the potential to allow highly qualified recruits to view, in a new way, the opportunities the Idaho State Police have to offer", said ISP Major Sheldon Kelley. "We're excited to share this new technology with the citizens of Idaho and the nation as a whole, especially those men and women who might consider a career of service to the citizens of this great state while wearing the uniform of an ISP Trooper."
The app offers a virtual recruiting office and includes commentary from four ISP officers who represent different levels of responsibility and leadership within the organization, highlighting ISP's culture and the communities it supports, protects and defends. The apps are easy to download and viewers can experience the world of VR from the perspective of the Idaho State Police.
iOS App:
Android App:,DTXJoinISPcvr&hl=en
People can also take a closer look at Idaho State Police at:
YouTube 360-degree video – Why Idaho:
YouTube 360-degree video – Join the ISP:
Recruiting is competitive; to find and attract the most qualified and competent candidates, the ISP wants its communications to be easy to access available 24/7 and memorable. The ISP is committed to finding new and qualified talent and is committed to retaining those talented recruits by offering a fulfilling and productive workplace that provides public safety for the people of Idaho.
For Additional Information Contact:
David Cleverdon
360 Immersive
507 W Hayes St.
Boise, ID83702
(office) 888.843.9580
(cel) 208.861.5033
Timothy Marsano
Public Information Officer
Idaho State Police
700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Posted in District 3 - Western Idaho
Please direct questions to:
District 3
Southwestern Idaho
700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 846-7550
Fax: (208) 846-7520
Serving Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington Counties.