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Idaho State Police to Host MADD’s First-Ever National Day of Remembrance Tomorrow

Idaho State Police will host activities for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers First-Ever National Day of Remembrance on December 3rd in conjunction with events across the country honoring victims and survivors of drunk driving, drugged driving and underage drinking consequences.

Victims and Survivors of impaired driving in Idaho have come together during the month of November to make and purchase blankets in honor of loved ones who are victims and survivors of impaired driving crashes. Over 300 blankets were donated- each tied with ribbon and the name of a Victim/Survivor. A blanket made in honor of a Victim/Survivor will be placed in ISP patrol cars—for future victims in need.

A blanket presentation and a time to honor and remember all victims of driving will take place at the Idaho State Police District 3 Office on December 3, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.

The purpose of the event is to remind victims and survivors across the state that their losses, pain and suffering are not forgotten, and they are not alone- they always have a place in our hearts and in the hearts and minds of law enforcement who work so diligently to keep impaired drivers off the road and prosecutors who keep those who will not follow the law behind bars—both keeping the roads safer for all of us.

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month and the deadliest month of the year for drunk driving crashes. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s in 2013, 846 people were killed in drunk driving crashes nationwide, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). New Year’s Day is the deadliest single day of the year for drunk driving – with 44 drunk driving fatalities on that day in 2013 alone. A total of 161 people were killed by drunk driving crashes during the New Year’s holiday in 2013 (New Year’s Eve and Day).

Leading up to the event, drunk and drugged driving victims and MADD supporters are invited to post an image of their loved ones using the hashtag “#MADDremembers” via their social media accounts or on the MADD Facebook page or visit to dedicate an online place setting tribute in their honor.

In 2014, MADD Victim Services provided a supportive service every four minutes and served a victim every 15 minutes. Drunk and drugged driving victims and survivors can find help free of charge through local MADD Victim Advocates, MADD’s 24-hour Victim Help Line 1-877-MADD-HELP, or with the live chat feature on MADD Victim Services include emotional support, court accompaniment, criminal justice advocacy, educational materials, community referrals, and prevention efforts such as child endangerment and concerned citizen calls.

For more information about MADD’s National Day of Remembrance, or to find other events, visit

Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho, District 2 - Central Idaho, District 3 - Western Idaho, District 4 - Southern Idaho, District 5 - Southeastern Idaho, District 6 - Eastern Idaho

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