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Activity on the Capitol Mall – Update

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer




700 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian, ID 83642

For Immediate Release: 3/28/22 11:44 a.m.

ISP Public Affairs Office (208)884-7122


Activity on the Capitol Mall – Update


This morning, several Idaho State Police Troopers were on-site where tents have been set up on the grounds of the Capitol Mall. Troopers were joined this morning by volunteers from Boise's Interfaith Sanctuary and a hazardous materials clean-up crew contracted by the Idaho Department of Administration. Beginning this morning, the grounds are temporarily closed to allow for regular grounds maintenance.

Signs have been posted on the Capitol Mall by the Department of Administration regarding upcoming annual grounds maintenance. ISP Troopers have also continued regular visits to the site, including a visit Sunday, to inform anyone on the grounds that seasonal maintenance is set to begin and to provide information on services available for those in need of housing assistance.

When Troopers arrived this morning, no one was on-site manning the tents or claiming ownership of any of the several tents still standing. Volunteers from Interfaith Sanctuary had already begun taking possession of several tents they deemed salvagable. The volunteers indicated to Troopers they will return the items they took possession of this morning to any individual wishing to claim ownership.

Garbage left at the site was collected by the hazardous materials workers. A member of the hazardous materials team also searched the grounds with a metal detector looking for any hazardous items that had been left.

Troopers want to thank the volunteers from Interfaith Sanctuary and the clean-up workers for their assistance.


The site where tents have been erected on W. Jefferson Street between N. 5th and N. 6th Streets in Boise is state property and subject to Idaho State Code 67-1613. The state is also operating under State Rules for Capitol Mall use under the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act (IDAPA, as managed by the Idaho Department of Administration), and the federal court order Watters v. Otter, 955 F.Supp.2d 1178 (2013). The court order allows symbolic tents but prohibits camping and indicia of camping.

Troopers have regularly visited the site since mid-January to educate those on-site as to allowable and prohibited uses of state property and to provide information on available housing services. Troopers have also provided enforcement when necessary.

Enforcement Action Taken:

Since January 17, Idaho State Police Troopers have issued 71 citations or written warnings for violation of Idaho State Code 67-1613. 14 people have been arrested for various offenses including outstanding warrants and drug possession. One person was cited for misdemeanor battery.

It remains the intention of Idaho State Police Troopers to continue to direct anyone in need of health or social services to the appropriate service providers and to continue to educate and take enforcement action as necessary to keep the government-owned property maintained and safe.

Posted in District 3 - Western Idaho

Please direct questions to:

District 3
Southwestern Idaho

700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 846-7550
Fax: (208) 846-7520

Serving Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington Counties.