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Additional Vandalism at the Inkom Port of Entry

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer



Idaho State Police

District 5 5205 South 5th Ave.

Pocatello, Idaho 83204-2299

(208) 236-6466 FAX: (208) 236-6068

For Immediate Release: 1/13/15 2:30 p.m.

Please direct questions to the District Office

Additional bullet holes were discovered in the southbound Inkom Port of Entry Building on the morning of January 12, 2015. The building sustained a second incident of vandalism and damage by someone shooting at the building. The first report of the building being shot was made January 3, 2015. It has been confirmed that the bullet holes discovered on January 12th are new and were not there on January 3rd.

Police are again requesting the public's help in solving this crime. Anyone with information is asked to call the Idaho State Police detectives at 237-1210 or the Bannock County Sheriff's Office detectives at 236-7111. This incident is being investigated jointly by the Idaho State Police and the Bannock County Sheriff's Office. As before, the building was unoccupied at the time of the shooting.



Posted in District 5 - Southeastern Idaho

Please direct questions to:

District 5
Southeastern Idaho

5255 S. 5th Ave.
Suite 1
Pocatello, ID 83204
Phone: (208) 239-9800
Fax: (208) 239-9885

Serving Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, and Power Counties.