Idaho acknowledges the validity of all other states’ concealed weapons licenses/permits. Non-residents carrying a concealed weapon in Idaho must possess a valid state-issued concealed weapons license/permit from the state where it was issued. Questions may be directed to the Idaho Attorney General’s Office.

Select the state listed below to view the most current reciprocity agreement document:
- Alabama.pdf
- Alaska.pdf
- Arizona.pdf
- Arkansas.pdf
- California.pdf
- Colorado.pdf
- Connecticut.pdf
- Delware.pdf
- Florida.pdf
- Gerogia.pdf
- Hawaii.pdf
- Illinois.pdf
- Indiana.pdf
- Iowa.pdf
- Kansas.pdf
- Kentucky.pdf
- Louisiana.pdf
- Maine.pdf
- Maryland.pdf
- Massachusetts.pdf
- Michigan.pdf
- Minnesota.pdf
- Mississippi.pdf
- Missouri.pdf
- Montana.pdf
- Nebraska.pdf
- Nevada.pdf
- New Hampshire.pdf
- New Jersey.pdf
- New Mexico Explanation.pdf
- New Mexico.pdf
- New York.pdf
- North Carolina.pdf
- North Dakota.pdf
- Ohio.pdf
- Oklahoma.pdf
- Oregon.pdf
- Pennsylvania.pdf
- Rhode Island.pdf
- South Carolina.pdf
- South Dakota.pdf
- Tennessee.pdf
- Texas.pdf
- Utah.pdf
- Vermont.pdf
- Virginia.pdf
- Washington.pdf
- West Virginia.pdf
- Wisconsin.pdf
- Wyoming.pdf
- CWL Application.pdf
- CWL Training Certificate.pdf
- you must be at least 18 years of age,
- a citizen of the United States or a current member of the United States Armed Forces and not disqualified under Idaho law from obtaining a concealed weapons license for a reason other than not having attained 21 years of age.
- Within the limits of a city, you would also be required to comply with any municipal ordinances regarding the discharge of firearms.
- Completion of any:
- Hunter education or hunter safety course approved by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game or a similar agency of another state;
- National Rifle Association (NRA) firearms safety, training, or hunter education course;
- Firearms safety or training course offered by a law enforcement agency, community college, college, or university, private or public school, or firearms training school, using instructors certified by the NRA or Idaho State Police;
- Law enforcement firearms safety or training course or class for security guards, investigators, special deputies, law enforcement agencies or security enforcement agencies.
- Evidence of equivalent experience with a firearm through participation in organized shooting competition or military service;
- A current Idaho license to carry a concealed weapon;
- Completion of any firearms training or safety course or class conducted by a state-certified or NRA-certified firearms instructor; or
- Other training the sheriff deems appropriate.
- Fraud or intentional misrepresentation in obtaining the license;
- Misuse of a license;
- The doing of an act or the existence of a condition that would have been grounds for denial of the license by the sheriff.
- Violation of any of the terms of Idaho Code 18-3302;
- You are found guilty of, or receive a withheld judgment for, a crime which would have disqualified you from receiving a license.
Additional Resources
Idaho sheriffs issue a License to Carry Concealed Weapons (I.C. 18-3302) and Enhanced License to Carry Concealed Weapons (I.C. 18-3302K). The forms below are needed for the application process. Questions regarding the process should be directed to an Idaho Sheriff or the Idaho Sheriff’s Association.
Additional questions and inquiries about the FAQs (listed below) may be directed to the Idaho Attorney General’s Office.
Frequently Asked Questions - Federal & State Laws
You may carry a weapon on your person without a Concealed Weapons License if you are at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States or a current member of the United States Armed Forces, and you are not disqualified under Idaho law from obtaining a Concealed Weapons License for a reason other than not having attained 21 years of age.
See Idaho Code § 18-3302E for additional requirements for minors.
A concealed weapon includes any dirk, dirk knife, bowie knife, dagger, pistol, revolver, or any other deadly or dangerous weapon.
See Idaho Code § 18-3302(2) for the definition of a “deadly weapon”.
You may carry any deadly weapon concealed in your vehicle, including a loaded or unloaded firearm. However, if the firearm is a handgun, you must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, or a current member of the United States Armed Forces, and not disqualified under Idaho law from obtaining a concealed weapons license for a reason other than not having attained 18 years of age.
Not if you are outside the limits of a city. If you are inside the limits of a city:
You must apply in-person to a county sheriff. If you have questions about applying for a Concealed Weapons License, you should contact the county sheriff where you reside or where you intend to apply if you are not an Idaho resident.
A county sheriff may require that you demonstrate familiarity with a firearm, which may be through classes or other means. A sheriff must accept one of the following as evidence of familiarity with a firearm:
The above answer pertains only to the Concealed Weapons License issued pursuant to Idaho Code § 18-3302. There is a mandatory training requirement for the Enhanced Concealed Weapons License. Idaho Code § 18-3302K
However, you must meet the requirements described above.
The factors that render a person ineligible for a Concealed Weapons License in Idaho are listed in Idaho Code § 18-3302 (11)(a) through § 18-3302(11)(n).
You should review this section carefully if you are considering applying for an Idaho Concealed Weapons License.
Also, if you have been convicted of any of the crimes listed in Idaho Code § 18-310(2)(a) through § 18-310(2)(jj), you are ineligible to obtain a Concealed Weapons License.
The fee for the original Concealed Weapons License, or an Enhanced Concealed Weapons License, is $20.00. The renewal fee is $15.00. Please note: A sheriff may collect additional fees necessary to cover the cost of processing fingerprints and the cost of materials for the license. Some counties may charge higher fees than others.
Idaho Code §§ 18-3302(15), (16), 18-3302K(7), (8).
Licenses are valid for five years from the date of issue.
See Idaho Code 18-3302(22)(a) –(f). The sheriff of the county where the license was issued or where the person resides may revoke a license for any of the following reasons:
You may not carry a concealed weapon in a courthouse, juvenile detention facility, adult correctional facility, prison, jail, public school or private school. For purposes of this prohibition, a school is defined as “a private or public elementary or secondary school.”
Federal law may prohibit you from carrying a weapon in places, including but not limited to, federal courthouses, airports, and post offices.
Private businesses, including those that are open to the public, may prohibit the carrying of weapons on their premises.
If you have a question about whether a weapon may be carried on the premises of a governmental entity or business, you should contact that entity or business prior to carrying a weapon onto their premises.
However, while in Idaho, you must carry the license on your person at all times when carrying a concealed weapon.
If you are a qualified law enforcement officer and meet all of the conditions in Idaho Code § 18-3302(5)(f) and § 18-3302H.
Idaho has concealed weapons reciprocity agreements with some other states. The Idaho State Police (ISP) Bureau of Criminal Identification maintains these agreements, and you may access information about them on the ISP website.
If you have additional questions concerning reciprocity agreements, call (208) 884-7498.
All of Idaho’s firearms statutes, including those governing concealed weapons, are found in Chapter 33 of Title 18 of the Idaho Code. Those statutes dealing with concealed weapons include Idaho Code §§ 18-3302, 18-3302B, 18-3302C, 18-3302D, 18-3302H, 18-3302K and 18-3309.
Anyone desiring to carry a concealed weapon in Idaho or to possess or use any weapon in Idaho should be careful not to violate any of the provisions of Chapter 33, Title 18, which can be found on the Idaho Legislature’s website. Idaho cities may have additional regulations governing the discharge of firearms within their limits.
Under Idaho Code § 18-3302(5)(g) and (h) –
Idaho honors all other states’ validly issued and current concealed weapons licenses/permits.
Caution: When carrying a concealed weapon in Idaho, you must have your state’s concealed weapons license/permit in your physical possession.
You need to check with the authority in that state(s). Not every state has reciprocity with Idaho and some states only recognize the Idaho’s Enhanced Concealed Weapons License.
Idaho has two types of concealed weapons licenses – the basic License (Idaho Code § 18-3302) and the Enhanced (Idaho Code § 18-3302K).
Some states only honor Idaho’s Enhanced Concealed Weapons License because of the stricter requirements to obtain one (such as must be at least 21 years old and complete mandatory training from properly qualified trainer).
It depends on which license a person seeks to obtain.
A basic Concealed Weapons License may be issued to persons as young as 18 years old if, in the judgment of the sheriff, issuance of the Concealed Weapons License to someone between 18-21 years old is warranted. Idaho Code § 18-3302(20).
To qualify for an Enhanced Concealed Weapons License, a person must be at least 21 years old. Idaho Code §§ 18-3302K(4)(a) and 18-3302(11)(a).
The basic Concealed Weapons License does not require any specific training. The county Sheriff issuing an original Concealed Weapons License may require training, but that’s left to his/her sole discretion. Idaho Code § 18-3302(9)(a) – (h). Most Idaho sheriffs require training.
The Enhanced Concealed Weapons License does require specific training. Idaho Code § 18-3302K(4)(c).
Note: There are no exceptions to the Enhanced Concealed Weapons License training requirements, including military/former military personnel or law enforcement/former law enforcement personnel who have had significantly more training with firearms.
Anyone not disqualified may obtain a basic Concealed Weapons License in Idaho regardless of the state of residency.
Idaho Code § 18-3302(10) & (11).
To obtain an Enhanced Concealed Weapons License in Idaho, the applicant must have been an Idaho resident for at least six months prior to filing an application, or if the person not an Idaho resident, must have a valid and current concealed weapons license issued by his state of residence.
You must take Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons License training, regardless of any previous training or experience you may have, in order to qualify for an Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons License. Idaho law is specific about what training is required for the Enhanced License and does not give “credit” for or recognize any other firearms training.
A person does not have to have a Concealed Weapons License to carry a concealed weapon in a motor vehicle.
Idaho recognizes only other state or local law enforcement agencies or courts validly issued Concealed Weapons Licenses/Permits.
Idaho recognizes only other state, local law enforcement agency or court validly issued concealed weapons licenses under Idaho Code 18-3302(5)(g): “Any person who has a valid permit from a state or local law enforcement agency or court authorizing him to carry a concealed weapon. A permit issued in another state will only be considered valid if the permit is in the licensee’s physical possession.”
A license issued by the governing body of a U.S. territory is not currently recognized in Idaho.
However, a person does not have to have a Concealed Weapons License to carry or be in possession of a deadly weapon or firearm as long as the requirements of Idaho Code § 18-3302(3) are met.
An alien legally in the United States is not automatically disqualified from obtaining an Idaho Concealed Weapons License, but they must have no disqualifiers under Idaho Code § 18-3302(11).
If the applicant is not a United States citizen, in addition to the standard requirements, an immigration alien query must also be conducted through the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement or any successor agency. The sheriff may deny a license to carry concealed weapons to an alien if background information is not attainable or verifiable.
A license to carry concealed weapons shall not be issued to any person who meets one or more of the criteria listed in Idaho Code § 18-3302(11).
According to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the answer is no, the Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to carry a weapon either open or concealed.
Peruta v. County of San Diego, 824 F.3d 919, 939 (9th Cir. June 9, 2016):
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that “the history relevant to both the Second Amendment and its incorporation by the Fourteenth Amendment led to the same conclusion: The right of a member of the general public to carry a concealed firearm in public is not, and never has been, protected by the Second Amendment. Therefore, because the Second Amendment does not protect in any degree the right to carry concealed firearms in public, any prohibition or restriction a state may choose to impose on concealed carry — including a requirement of “good cause,” however defined — is necessarily allowed by the Amendment. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals also stated that there may or may not be a Second Amendment right for a member of the general public to carry a firearm openly in public, but the Supreme Court has not answered that question.”
The United States Supreme Court declined certiorari for this case in 2017. Therefore, it remains the controlling law for all states within the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Arizona.
See Idaho Code § 18-3302(11), Idaho Code §18-310(3), Idaho Code § 18-3316. There are also prohibitions under federal law that may apply.
Idaho provides a mechanism for restoring a person’s right to receive or possess firearms. Under Idaho Code § 18-310, a person’s right to receive and possess firearms is automatically restored when a person convicted of a felony crime is finally discharged from his or her sentence.
Note: Persons convicted of felonies in other states or jurisdictions cannot have the right to ship, transport, possess, or receive a firearm restored automatically upon final discharge in the same manner as an Idaho felon.
The offenses listed in Idaho Code § 18-310(2)(a) through (ii) are exempt from this procedure.
A person who was not automatically restored to the right to ship, transport, possess or receive a firearm upon final discharge may make application to the Idaho Commission of Pardons and Parole to restore that right.
Persons convicted of a federal crime may apply for a presidential pardon. 28 CFR Part I specifies the rules governing petitions for obtaining a Presidential pardon. You may contact the Pardon Attorney’s Office at the U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, to inquire about the procedures for obtaining a presidential pardon.
18 U.S.C. 921(a)(20) and (a)(33); 27 CFR 478.11 and 27 CFR 478.142.
See Idaho Code § 18-3302(10) for conditions.
Idaho Code § 18-3302H is entitled “Carrying of Concealed Firearms by Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers.”
The applicant for a Retired Law Enforcement Concealed Weapons License will need to provide the following information: name, address, description and signature of the licensee, date of birth, social security number (optional), military status, identification of the law enforcement agency from which the applicant retired, and the driver’s license number or state identification card number of the licensee if used for identification in applying for the license.
Applications are readily available at all Sheriff’s Offices in Idaho’s counties.
There is nothing in Idaho law that precludes a person from holding more than one Idaho Concealed Weapons License as long as the person has none of the disqualifiers listed in Idaho Code § 18-3302(11) and, for the Enhanced under Idaho Code § 18-3302K(4)(b), the person has to be a legal resident of the state of Idaho for at least six consecutive months before applying for an enhanced CWL or the person must hold a current license or permit to carry concealed firearms issued by his state of residence, and the person must complete the required training.
Additional requirements exist for a Retired Law Enforcement Concealed Weapons License at Idaho Code § 18-3302H.
Not unless you meet all of the requirements of Idaho Code § 18-3302K, including Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons License training described.
Not unless you had Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons License training in that other state. Idaho Code § 18-3302K(4)(c)