Crash Near New Plymouth Kills Two
IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
Region 3 Patrol 700 S. Stratford, Meridian 83642
(208) 846-7550
Fax (208) 846-7520
For Immediate Release: 09/18/2009 7:10 PM
Contact: Cpl. Klitch
At this time, the Idaho State Police is at the scene of a two vehicle fatality crash at the intersection of State Highway 52 and State Highway 72 near New Plymouth. There are two confirmed fatalities and one injured at this time. More information will be relayed as it becomes available.
Spot what you think might be an impaired driver? Use the Idaho State Police REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) hotline. Dial *ISP (*477) from your cell phone anywhere in Idaho.
Posted in District 3 - Western Idaho
Please direct questions to:
District 3
Southwestern Idaho
700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 846-7550
Fax: (208) 846-7520
Serving Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington Counties.