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Idaho State Police and local law enforcement continue aggressive driving mobilization through August 4th

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer




Teresa Baker

Public Information Officer

Headquarters 700 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian 83642

(208) 884-7122

Fax (208) 884-7087

For Immediate Release: 07/26/13 at 4:22 p.m.

MERIDIAN – The Idaho State Police is partnering with the Idaho Transportation Department and local law enforcement agencies statewide in an effort to bring awareness to the behavior that is labeled aggressive driving, the risk involved and to stop those who are engaging in it. The campaign will continue until August 4th.

"In 2012 aggressive driving killed 66 people in Idaho and seriously injured another 629. The problem is serious and with the help of this high visibility campaign through funded by the ITD's Office of Highway Safety, ISP hopes to let motorists know just exactly what constitutes aggressive driving," says ISP Capt. Sheldon Kelley.

Those under 19 may be four times more likely to be involved in an aggressive driving crash, but they are not alone. Aggressive driving was a contributing factor in over one half of all motor-vehicle crashes in Idaho last year.

Are you an aggressive driver? You are if you do the following:

Drive in a pushy, bold or selfish manner;

Speed or drive too fast for conditions;

Not obeying traffic-control devices;

Follow too close or tailgate;

Weave in and out of traffic, make improper lane changes or pass on shoulders in an unsafe manner;

Honk unnecessary;

Scream or flash your lights; or

Make rude hand or facial gestures.

If you recognize yourself in these characteristics, you are an aggressive driver and law enforcement is watching for you. These types of acts can escalate to road rage and lead to criminal charges.

If you are confronted by an aggressive driver, stay calm and safely get out of the way of the driver. Do not challenge him or her, avoid eye contact and ignore gestures. Always be sure that seat belts are fastened in case abrupt movements cause a loss of vehicle control.

"Citizens may report an aggressive driving or road-rage incident to law enforcement if witnessed in the absence of an officer. Motorists are advised to find a safe place to call 911, or call dispatch when you get home. Try to provide time, location, license plate, vehicle and driver description," Kelley said. "Describe the incident in detail and be prepared to appear in court, if needed."


For on-camera interviews or a ride-along, please contact Teresa Baker, PIO, at 884-7122 or the District Offices:

District 1 – Coeur d'Alene

Lt. Chris Schenck

615 W. Wilbur, Ste. A

Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815


District 2 – Lewiston

Sgt. Richard Adamson

2700 North & South Highway

Lewiston, ID


District 3 – Meridian

Lt. Brad Doty

700 S. Stratford Dr.

Meridian, ID


District 4 – Jerome

Lt. Kyle Fullmer

218 West Yakima

Jerome, ID


District 5 – Pocatello

Lt. Ismael Gonzales

5205 South 5th

Pocatello, ID


District 6 – Idaho Falls

Lt. Chris Weadick

Idaho State Police

1540 Foote Dr.

Idaho Falls, ID



Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho, District 2 - Central Idaho, District 3 - Western Idaho, District 4 - Southern Idaho, District 5 - Southeastern Idaho, District 6 - Eastern Idaho

Please direct questions to:


700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 884-7122