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Idaho State Police Labor Day Weekend Patrols to Concentrate on Impaired Drivers

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
Idaho State Police
Region 5 5205 South 5th Ave.
Pocatello, Idaho 83204-2299
(208) 236-6466 FAX: (208) 236-6068

Idaho State Police
Region 6 1650 Foote Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-1828
(208) 525-7377 FAX: (208) 525-7294

For Immediate Release: 09/02/10 12:05 PM
Contact: Lt. Gonzales in Region 5 or Lt. Weadick in Region 6

Over the Limit, Under Arrest

The Idaho State Police wants to remind you that this Labor Day Weekend Troopers and Local Law Enforcement Agencies will be out in full force to locate and apprehend the Impaired Driver. It is our goal to locate and arrest every alcohol and drug impaired driver before they cause the ultimate tragedy. Because we're committed to ending this tragedy, the Idaho State Police all over the State will join with others throughout Idaho during the coming Labor Day holiday for an intensive crackdown on impaired driving. This nationwide enforcement campaign is aimed at all those that choose to Drink and Drive.

As police officers, our message during this crackdown and all year long is clear and unwavering: "Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest." With stepped-up law enforcement throughout the State of Idaho, the Idaho State Police encourage you to Designate a Sober Driver for you and your friends as the life you save may be your own. Because if we catch you driving drunk, you will face jail and serious consequences. Lt. Gonzales advised that "As long as I've been a police officer, I've never gotten used to the sorrow I feel when I'm called to the scene of a crash where a person has died due to impaired driving." Yet this senseless loss of human life is a daily reality all over Idaho year after year. Let's work together this weekend and promote traffic safety by being responsible and also by reporting every drunk driver you see. Call *ISP (*477) on your cell phone or call 911.

Lt. Ismael Gonzales Lt. Chris Weadick
Idaho State Police Idaho State Police
Region 5 Patrol Region 6 Patrol
Pocatello, Idaho Idaho Falls, Idaho



Posted in District 5 - Southeastern Idaho

Please direct questions to:

District 5
Southeastern Idaho

5255 S. 5th Ave.
Suite 1
Pocatello, ID 83204
Phone: (208) 239-9800
Fax: (208) 239-9885

Serving Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, and Power Counties.