Idaho State Police Warns of New Telephone Scam
MERIDIAN, Idaho – The Idaho State Police (ISP) is alerting Idaho residents to a new wave of phone scams targeting Idaho residents. Callers are posing as law enforcement officers, using false claims of DNA test requirements and threats of arrest to coerce payments.
In one reported case, a scammer left a voicemail claiming that the recipient needed to provide a DNA swab in response to certified mail and directed the victim to contact the ISP Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) “just in case.” The victim then received a second call stating they had missed a required DNA appointment, which had allegedly resulted in a warrant for their arrest. The scammer demanded immediate payment to “resolve” the matter.
In another incident, a caller impersonating a trooper claimed to be searching for a woman’s son, alleging he had failed to complete a mandatory DNA test, leading to a supposed warrant for his arrest. The caller then requested funds under the pretense of a bond payment.
These scams not only deceive innocent Idahoans but also undermine the efforts of ISP’s Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) team, a federally funded program dedicated to lawfully collecting and profiling DNA from convicted offenders for the national CODIS database. These scams risk deterring cooperation and compromising trust in legitimate investigative efforts by muddying public understanding of DNA collection processes.
“Our SAKI team is committed to collecting lawfully required DNA samples to ensure justice—not to scare or threaten people over the phone,” reassured Mark Denhardt, SAKI Site Coordinator. “These scammers distort our purpose, creating confusion and undermining public confidence in important programs. If you receive a call like this, please don’t engage. Verify by contacting us directly.”
If you receive a call resembling these scams, it’s crucial to verify its legitimacy. You can do this by emailing the ISP team at or calling 208-846-7582. Don’t hesitate to take this step-it could prevent you from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes.
Remember: The ISP will never demand payment or threaten jail time over the phone. Be alert for callers asking for payment via gift cards, prepaid debit cards, or money transfer apps. These are common red flags of fraud; if you encounter them, you’re likely dealing with a scammer.

Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho, District 2 - Central Idaho, District 3 - Western Idaho, District 4 - Southern Idaho, District 5 - Southeastern Idaho, District 6 - Eastern Idaho
Please direct questions to:
700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 884-7122