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ITD, ISP, and law enforcement agencies team up to boost seatbelt usage

IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer




District 4 Patrol 218 West Yakima, Jerome, ID 83338-5904 (208) 324-6000

Fax (208) 324-7897

For Immediate Release: 06/19/2013 1:30 AM

Please direct questions to the District Office

ITD, ISP, and law enforcement agencies across the Magic and Wood River Valley partnered to boost seatbelt usage

JEROME – As motorists took to the roads this Memorial Day holiday, the Idaho Transportation Department, the Idaho State Police and partnering Magic and Wood River Valley law enforcement urged everyone to buckle up. Between May 20th and June 2nd law enforcement officers were out in full force, taking part in the 2013 Click It Don't Risk It seat belt enforcement mobilization and cracking down on motorists who were not belted.

During this year's mobilization, ISP Troopers in the Magic and Wood River Valley made more than 800 contacts with the motoring public, usually through traffic stops. During these contacts Troopers wrote 80 seatbelt citations when occupants were observed not wearing their seatbelts. Also, Troopers arrested three impaired drivers, made seven felony arrests, and apprehended two fugitives. They also made arrests or issued citations for 13 drug related offenses.

"As we kick-off the busy summer driving season it's important that everyone buckles up every time they go out, both day and night – no excuses," said Sgt. Michael Wendler, "Our officers are prepared to ticket anyone they come in contact with who is not wearing their seat belt – Click It Don't Risk It."

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 52 percent of the 21,253 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2011 were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash. As noted, deaths involving seat belt nonuse are more prevalent at night than during the daytime. According to NHTSA, 62 percent of the 10,135 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2011 during the overnight hours of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash.

Tragically, lack of seatbelt use contributes to many lives lost every year right here in Idaho. In, 2011 there were 123 occupants of motor vehicles killed in crashes in Idaho. Of those killed, a mere 39 were restrained, leaving 84 who were not. Based upon the fact that studies have shown approximately 80% of Idahoans regularly wear their seatbelt, you are almost ten times as likely to die in a crash if you are not restrained.

"Seat belts save thousands of lives every year, but far too many motorists are still not buckling up, especially at night when the risk of getting in a crash is even greater," said Sgt. Wendler, "We want everyone to have a safe summer, but it requires an important step on the part of motorists – clicking that seat belt."

For more on the Click It Don't Risk It mobilization, please visit For interviews, ride-alongs, or other media inquiries please contact your local law enforcement or the District 4 Idaho State Police at 208-736-3060.


Posted in District 4 - Southern Idaho

Please direct questions to:

District 4
Southern Idaho

218 West Yakima
Jerome, ID 83338-5904
Phone: (208) 324-6000
Fax: (208) 324-7897

Serving Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls Counties.