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Partnership towards zero deaths


700 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian 83642

(208) 884-7122

Fax (208) 846-7520

For Immediate Release: 09/11/12 2:40 pm

Please direct questions to the Public Information Officer

In July 2011, the Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS) and the Idaho State Police (ISP) entered into a partnership which created a full time position of the State Impaired Driving Coordinator (SIDC). The SIDC position was created to provide oversight to three of Idaho's essential impaired driving programs. The SIDC is responsible for management of the Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP), Standardized Field Sobriety Testing program (SFST) and Law Enforcement Phlebotomy Program (LEPP). Sgt. Dean Matlock of the Idaho State Police assumed the position of SIDC on July 1, 2011, splitting his duties between the Idaho State Police Training Section and the SIDC position until a new training section sergeant was selected. On October 1, 2011, Sgt. Matlock moved into the SIDC position in a full time capacity.

As part of the continuing partnership between OHS and ISP, OHS purchased a new breath testing instrument that is to be used to train Idaho Law Enforcement. On August 2, 2012, ISP took possession of a new Intoxilyzer 5000. The new Intoxilyzer will be used for training new officers, recertifying current officers and other uses as needed.

Due to the partnership of ISP and OHS, new officers will be better prepared in the detection and apprehension of alcohol/drug impaired drivers and able to administer the breath alcohol test(s) required by lawmaking Idaho's roadways safer.


Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho, District 2 - Central Idaho, District 3 - Western Idaho, District 4 - Southern Idaho, District 5 - Southeastern Idaho, District 6 - Eastern Idaho

Please direct questions to:


700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 884-7122