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Stop Speeding Before It Stops You

April 4, 2011

Captain Lonnie Richardson


The Idaho State Police reminds drivers to "Stop Speeding Before It Stops You".

Excessive speed results in people being seriously injured or dead when involved in a motor vehicle crash so we urge drivers to "Stop Speeding Before it Stops You."

An aggressive driving enforcement campaign is planned for April 7-18. The Idaho State Police will be stepping up patrols to catch speeders on all roads in North Central Idaho. Speeding is an aggressive driving behavior that is consistently a contributing factor in more than one third of all fatal crashes across the state, according to ITD Highway Safety statistics. Doing simple things like obeying traffic signs, waiting for other drivers, or just slowing down can save your life and the lives of others.

"Even one life lost to speeding is one too many" said Captain Lonnie Richardson. This is why the Idaho State Police is partnering with ITD's Office of Highway Safety to make our highways safer and remind drivers to "Stop Speeding Before it Stops You". This campaign is part of the ITD and ISP commitment to achieve a goal of zero deaths on Idaho's highways.

Posted in District 1 - Northern Idaho

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District 1
Northern Idaho

615 W. Wilbur Ave.
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
Phone: (208) 209-8620
Fax: (208) 209-8619

Serving Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, and Shoshone Counties.