Two-vehicle crash in Jerome County kills one.
IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
Region 4 Patrol 218 West Yakima, Jerome, ID 83338-5904 (208) 324-6000
Fax (208) 324-7897
In 1972, approximately 12,000 collisions between trains and motor vehicles occurred across the nation, resulting in numerous deaths and serious injuries. By 2009, the number of train/motor vehicle collisions had been reduced by nearly 84 percent, and Operation Lifesaver is one of the reasons for this dramatic drop.
June 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Idaho State Police will team with Union Pacific Railroad and local agencies for an Operation Lifesaver event in Lincoln and Gooding Counties.
"The purpose of Operation Lifesaver is to raise safety awareness at railroad crossings, and safety awareness about railroads in general," said ISP Sergeant Kevin Haight. "Union Pacific will provide a passenger train, which holds 150 passengers, and will go back and forth between the City of Shoshone, and the City of Gooding. ISP and local agencies will have officers in their patrol cars and riding in the locomotive, watching for violations and taking enforcement action."
Sergeant Haight said media representatives are invited to attend the event. For more information, please contact Sergeant Haight at 324-6000.
Posted in District 4 - Southern Idaho
Please direct questions to:
District 4
Southern Idaho
218 West Yakima
Jerome, ID 83338-5904
Phone: (208) 324-6000
Fax: (208) 324-7897
Serving Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls Counties.