Update-Driver Charged in Fatal Crash
IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE – generated by our News Release ListServer
Region 3 Patrol 700 S. Stratford, Meridian 83642
(208) 846-7550
Fax (208) 846-7520
For Immediate Release: 08/15/2010 6:49 pm
Contact: Sgt. Stauffer
Follow-up Press Release to Fatal Crash on I84 at milepost 120 that occurred on August 12, 2010 at approximately 8:49 pm.
At approximately 3:45 pm on August 13th, Eusebio Jacobo Pineda, 45, was taken into custody by Idaho State Police following his release from the hospital. He was transported to Elmore County Jail and will face four counts of felony vehicular manslaughter.
Previous Update:
After further investigation, an arrest warrant was obtained for Eusebio Jacobo Pineda, 45, charging him with four counts of Felony Vehicular Manslaughter. Pineda will be taken into custody by the Idaho State Police as soon as he is medically cleared. He will be transported to the Elmore County Jail to await an initial appearance before a magistrate. Pineda's bond was set at $250,000.00.
Alcohol is a contributing factor in the crash; however Pineda's blood alcohol content is pending final analysis.
Because of numerous media requests, there will be a press conference held today at 3:00 pm in the Idaho State Police Region 3 Multi-purpose Room. Limited information will be available, along with a short question/answer session. Any media wishing to attend should be present at this time. No further press releases are scheduled at this time.
Posted in District 3 - Western Idaho
Please direct questions to:
District 3
Southwestern Idaho
700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 846-7550
Fax: (208) 846-7520
Serving Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington Counties.