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***UPDATE***: News release: Critical Incident Task Force releases additional information on the officer-involved shooting in Lewiston on Wed., April 17

This update provides additional identifying information (middle initial) about the deceased suspect.

He is identified as Daniel T. Cook Jr., 36, of Lewiston



News release: Critical Incident Task Force releases additional information regarding the officer-involved shooting in Lewiston on Wed., April 17 Immediate release, April 18, 2019

Contact: Tim Marsano, ISP PIO, 208.884.7122

Police are continuing to investigate the officer involved shooting that took place at approximately 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17th in the City of Lewiston. The suspect drove to the residence of an off-duty Nez Perce Tribal Police Officer in the 3500 block of 11th Street and discharged a firearm at the officer.

The victim, Officer Josh Rigney, was shot twice. Officer Rigney’s wife called emergency services, and Rigney was transported to St. Joseph Regional Medical Center where he was treated for his injuries. He is currently in fair condition and continues to receive care.

After firing at Officer Rigney, the assailant got back into his car and fled the scene. He was quickly pursued by Lewiston Police. The assailant then shot at police from his car in the areas of the 3300 block of 8th Street, 8th Street and Bryden Avenue, and the 1100 block of Burrell Avenue.

The chase came to an end near 13th Street and Burrell Avenue where the assailant continued to shoot at police officers who returned fire, resulting in the suspect’s death. The deceased suspect is identified as 36-year-old Daniel Cook Jr. of Lewiston.

The lead agency in this investigation is Idaho State Police, being assisted by members of the Region Two Critical Incident Task Force, which includes the Moscow Police Department, Latah County Sheriff’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Four Lewiston Police Officers have been placed on special leave by department policy and protocol.

Idaho State Police recognizes that during officer involved shooting incidents, the media and community have many questions. We will do our best to provide information as it is available to be released and we appreciate the community’s patience while this investigation proceeds.

Media Advisory:

ISP will provide a trooper for an on-camera sound bite at the ISP District office at 2:00 p.m. (Pacific) today. Please be aware, the trooper will not be able to provide details on this ongoing investigation above and beyond what’s contained in this news release; the trooper will take no questions. Reporters should arrive before 2 p.m. at the ISP District 2 office, 2700 North and South Highway, Lewiston.


Posted in District 2 - Central Idaho

Please direct questions to:

District 2
Central Idaho

2700 North and South Highway
Lewiston, ID 83501
Phone: (208) 750-9300
Fax: (208) 750-9385

Serving Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, and Nez Perce Counties.