Current PGR Grant Opportunities
PGR will be conducting the application process differently for our CY 2025 Sexual Assault Services Formula Program (SASP) funding cycle. This will not be a competitive process, but by invitation only to organizations that are eligible to apply for SASP funding. To receive an invitation to apply, please complete the Letter of Intent (download link below) and email it to our PGR mailbox at no later than March 7, 2025.
About SASP
- Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program (SASP) is the first federal funding stream solely dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault. SASP directs grant dollars to states and territories to assist them in supporting rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations or tribal programs that provide services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. Funds provided through SASP are designed to supplement other funding sources directed at addressing sexual assault on the state and territorial level.
Idaho’s SASP funding provides funds for intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault, family, and household members of victims and those collaterally affected by the sexual assault.
- Please see the attached FAQs for allowable and unallowable expenses.
- Please review both SASP Frequently Asked Questions as of 2017 and 10-6-14 (duplicate answers are highlighted).
Eligible Applicants
- Rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations, or tribal programs that provide direct intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual assault, without regard to age.
- Will be funded on a 12-month cycle for three consecutive years, with the first year having a start date of April 1, 2025. Subgrantees will need to apply for continuation funding for the next two years.
Award Amount
- Organizations may apply up to $40,000* for a 12-month period. (Please note the amount awarded in year one will be the same amount in years two and three, depending on availability of funds.)
* This is an estimated amount and is contingent on number of letters of intent received and dollar amount requested. - This program has no match or cost-sharing requirement.
Please feel free to share this invitation to organizations that might be interested in applying for SASP funding.
If you have any questions regarding this announcement and/or the Letter of Intent, please contact Julie Brotzman at 208-884-7041.
Relevant Documents
Application Instructions & Required Forms
- Continuation Application Instructions.pdf
- New Application Instructions.pdf
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.pdf
- Eligibility For De Minimis Indirect Cost Rate.docx
- Expense Match Budget Detail Worksheet.xlsx
- Financial Accounting Practices.docx
- Financial Management and System of Internal Controls Questionnaire.pdf
- Non Supplanting Sample Letter.docx
- PGR Risk Assessment.xlsx
- Legal Assistance for Victims Certification Sample Letter.pdf
- Revised Confidentiality Acknowledgement Form.pdf
- Data Plan.docx
- STOP Formula Grant Program Prosecution Certification.pdf
- Victim Services Consultation Certification.docx
- Law enforcement programs
- Prosecution and court programs
- Prevention and education programs
- Corrections and community corrections programs
- Drug treatment and enforcement programs
- Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs
- Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation)
- Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams
- FY 2024 – 2028 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Idaho Strategic Plan – The FY 2024 JAG Strategy contains a summary and updates on Idaho’s needs identification and analysis, priorities and national strategy, coordination, and allocation report
- Confidential Fund Guide
- Award Condition Policy Work Place Response to Sexual Misconduct DV and Dating Violence.pdf
- Frequently Asked Questions FAQs About STOP Formula Grants.pdf
- Idaho STOP Implementaton Plan FFY2022 FFY2025.pdf
- Match Requirements for STOP Formula Grants.pdf
- OVW Guidance on Commingling of Funds.pdf
- STOP Unallowable Activities.pdf
- STOP Subgrantee 2024 Updated Form.pdf
- Upadated STOP SAPR Instructions 2024 Spanish.pdf
- Updated SAPR Data Tracker.xlsx
- Updated STOP SAPR Instructions 2024.pdf
- Updated STOP SAPR Sample Form 2024.pdf
- Prosecution Certification Status of Compliance Template.docx
- STOP Formula Grant Program Prosecution Certification.pdf
- Engage individuals with SUD or co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders for a period of between 6 and 12 months.
- Require periodic/random drug testing of individuals while they are in the program and under community supervision.
- Establish a therapeutic community (i.e.,program participants are set apart from the general population).
- Provide aftercare services.
- Engage individuals with SUD or co-occurring substance use and serious mental health disorders for at least 3 months.
- Require periodic/random drug testing of individuals while they are in the program and under community supervision.
- Make every effort to establish a therapeutic community.
Provide aftercare services.
- Letter of Intent to Apply for CY 2025 SASP Funding.pdf
- OVW Commingling.pdf
- OVW Confidentiality FAQs.pdf
- OVW Nondiscrimination Grant Conditions FAQs.pdf
- OVW Whistleblower Protections.pdf
- SASP Frequently Asked Questions as of 10 6 14.pdf
- SASP Frequently Asked Questions as of 2017.pdf
- SASP Reporting Requirement Calendar.pdf
- The Attorney General
- Deputy Attorney General Jeff Nye (designee)
- The Administrative Director of the State Courts
- Ryan Porter, Idaho Supreme Court (designee)
- The Director of the Idaho Department of Correction
- Director Josh Tewalt
- The Director of the Idaho State Police
- Lt. Colonel Russ Wheatley (designee)
- The Director of the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
- Jason Stone (designee)
- The Administrator of the Office of Drug Policy
- Administrator Marianne King
- The State Public Defender
- Eric Fredericksen
- A representative from the Idaho Prosecuting Attorneys Association
- Nancy Austin, Twin Falls County Prosecutor’s Office (designee)
- The Executive Director of the Idaho Association of Counties
- Executive Director Seth Grigg
- Two (2) citizens at large
- Bernadette LaSarte
- Vacant
- A representative from the Idaho Sheriff’s Association
- Sheriff George Oppedyk, Jerome County Sheriff’s Office (designee)
- A representative from the Idaho Chiefs of Police Association
- Chief Tracy Basterrechea, Meridian Police Department
- A representative from the Idaho Council on Domestic Violence
- Executive Director Dana Wiemiller
- A representative from a statewide advocacy agency
- Lacey Sinn, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence
- A prosecuting attorney
- Jayme Sullivan, Boise City Attorney
- A representative from the juvenile justice system
- Darin Burrell (Chair), Fremont County Probation
- A representative from the misdemeanor probation system
- Director Jeff Breach, Canyon County Misdemeanor Probation
- A Chief of Police
- Chief Rex Ingram, Caldwell Police Department
- A Sheriff
- Sheriff Josh Campbell, Power County Sheriff’s Office
For updated General GMS instructions, sign into GMS, click on the “Resources” menu, select “Instructions” from the drop-down menu, and then select “GMS General Instructions.”
Each grant solicitation will specify the documents that are required for your application.
Main Line: 208-884-7040
Julie Brotzman: 208-884-7041
Kara Thompson: 208-884-7045
Misty Kifer: 208-884-7054
Grants Programs
Below is a listing of Federal Grant Programs for which municipal, county, and state agencies, as well as nonprofit agencies, might be eligible. Depending on the grant program, funding is made available to potential grantees on either a formula or competitive basis.
The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program (42 U.S.C. 3751 (a)) is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. JAG funds support all components of the criminal justice system, from multi-jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, and justice information-sharing initiatives.
Established to streamline justice funding and grant administration, the JAG Program allows states, tribes, non-profit and faith-based organizations, and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on their own local needs and conditions. JAG blends the previous Byrne Formula and Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) programs to provide agencies with the flexibility to prioritize and place justice funds where they are needed most.
The JAG formula includes a state allocation consisting of a minimum base allocation with the remaining amount determined on population and Part 1 violent crime statistic, and a direct allocation to units of local government. Once the state allocation is calculated, 60 percent of the funding is awarded to the state and 40 percent to eligible units of local government. State allocations also have a required variable pass through to units of local government, calculated by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) from each state’s crime expenditures.
JAG funds may be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, and operating. Additionally, funds may be used for equipment, overtime, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice.
Other Related JAG Information
Julie Brotzman
Byrne JAG & SASP
The S.T.O.P. (Services – Training – Officers – Prosecutors) VAWA program supports communities in their efforts to develop and strengthen effective criminal justice strategies to address violent crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence, and the development and enhancement of victim services in cases involving these crimes.
The 2013 Reauthorization of VAWA specifies that states must allocate at least 25 percent of the S.T.O.P. funds to law enforcement, 25 percent to prosecution, 5 percent to courts, 30 percent to nonprofit, non-governmental victim services (10% of which must be distributed to culturally specific community-based organizations). The remaining 15 percent may be allocated at the state’s discretion within the parameters of the Act.
The Idaho STOP Implementation Plan: FFY 2022-2025 will guide the use of the STOP VAWA awards received by the State of Idaho for a four-year period.
STOP Resources
Find more information and a Model Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking.
STOP Subgrantee Annual Performance Report (SAPR)
Prosecution Certification
Webinar on Prosecution Certification (start at 14:54)
Misty Kifer
The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program [34 U.S.C. 10421 et. seq.,], assists states, tribal, and local governments to develop and implement substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs in state and local correctional and detention facilities and to create and maintain community-based aftercare services for offenders. The RSAT Program seeks to increase access to evidence-based prevention and treatment, reduce overdose deaths, and support increased access to evidence-based substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which is the use of medication in combination with counseling and behavior therapies to treat incarcerated individuals.
RSAT Funding Interest Form
RSAT Funds are now on a three-year funding cycle, starting with Funding Year 2023 (CY24). However, if your state, tribal, or local government program meets or will meet the eligibility requirements for RSAT funding and wish to receive RSAT funds after January 1, 2024, please fill out the RSAT Funding Interest Form and email it to
Program Requirements
RSAT funds may be used to implement three types of programs: residential, jail-based, and aftercare. At least 10 percent of the total state allocation shall be made available to local correctional and detention facilities – provided such facilities exist – for either residential substance abuse treatment programs or jail-based substance use disorder treatment programs.
Residential SUD treatment programs in prisons and juvenile detention centers must meet all of the following criteria:
Residential SUD treatment programs in jails must meet all of the following criteria:
Jail-based SUD treatment programs that initiate or continue evidence-based SUD treatment programs, including medication-assisted treatment, in pretrial populations and/or foster connections to SUD treatment in the community upon pretrial release. Programs supporting pre-trial populations do not need to meet above criteria for jail-based residential SUD treatment programs.
Aftercare services include case management and the full continuum of recovery and aftercare services to support people released from a residential SUD treatment program, which may include human service and rehabilitation programs such as education and job training, parole supervision, recovery or transitional housing, peer support programs, and other recovery support services.
For more information, please see the frequently asked questions.
The federal share of a grant-funded project may not exceed 75 percent of the project’s total cost. The 25 percent matching funds may be in the form of cash or in-kind contributions. See the DOJ Financial Guide for information and examples of what constitutes match.
Misty Kifer
Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program (SASP) is the first federal funding stream solely dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault. The SASP Formula Grant Program directs grant dollars to states and territories to assist them in supporting rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations or tribal programs that provide services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. Funds provided through SASP are designed to supplement other funding sources directed at addressing sexual assault on the state and territorial level.
Idaho’s SASP funding provides funds for intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault, family and household members of victims and those collaterally affected by the sexual assault.
SASP Resources
Information about the Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) Annual Progress Report (SAPR) is available at the VAWA Measuring Effectiveness Initiative website.
Additional resources concerning the SASP program are listed below. Please review both SASP Frequently Asked Questions as of 2017 and 10-6-14 (duplicate answers are highlighted).
Julie Brotzman
Byrne JAG & SASP
Idaho Grant Review Council
The Idaho Grant Review Council (Council) is charged with the responsibility to disburse grant funding appropriated under provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, and other such federal grant programs as may come within the purview of Pass-Through Grants and Research of the Idaho State Police with the overall mission of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system in Idaho. The Grant Review Council makes the funding decisions for the JAG and STOP grant programs.
The Council consists of the following thirteen (13) members of the Idaho Criminal Justice Commission (Commission), or their designee, to assist the Idaho State Police in its distribution of grant funds.
In addition, the Council consists of the following seven (7) members appointed by the Chair of the Commission upon recommendation by the Commission.